Wednesday, June 24, 2009

29 Weeks!

I am 29 weeks today. Only 2 1/2 months left. We cannot wait to meet our little angel.

So, my brother Jason, his wife Becky, and their kids Oliver (3) and Libby (18 months) stayed with us for a week. What a fun visit! Early morning breakfasts, tickling Libby's little thighs, Ryan and Oliver workin in the garage, playin ninja ball in the Augusts' backyard, and MANY family gatherings! We loved having them and building those memories.

Pregnancy Update:

I have been experiencing heart burn, shortness of breath and some crazy slepiness. Yuck! But I have to say, this pregnancy has been a breeze so far, so I feel incredibly blessed. Only 77 days til she is here, so I am trying to enjoy every minute.

Thanks for checking in on us. Smooches.

Monday, June 8, 2009

27 Week Update

(That is 6.5 months in Pregnancy Land)
The last couple of weeks have been really busy!

I played Wedding Planner at my friend Sheena's wedding. It was BEAUTIFUL! So Memorial Day weekend was spent doing hair, nails, rehersal dinner, and the big day! So much fun!

Last weekend we spent the majority of the time basquing in the sun. Casey took us out on his boat and it was so relaxing!

I have been catching up on Spring Cleaning during the week since the Spring is almost over and our house desperately needed it!

This weekend we Barbequed with friends and did yard work (I got scowls from the neighbors since I am now obviously pregnant and out there raking...people are funny.) We were attempting to get the house ready for our guests! My brother Jason, my sister-in-law Becky, and their two lil rugrats are coming to visit!!! We are so excited!

Other than that, baby is doing really well! I didn't feel her for a couple of days and got a little freaked out last week, but turns out I have just been way too active and I've been rocking her to sleep! After big glass of cold fruit juice, she woke up and has been wiggling around ever since. :)

She should be almost 2 pounds now. I have a 4D ultrasound scheduled for the 24th, but I'm not sure if I'm going to go. Ryan thinks we have been scanning her too much. He wants me to just let her be. I think I agree, but we'll see if my curiosity gets a hold of me.

Much love from the Midge.
