Khloe is 22 months and talking more than ever. I can not believe it! Her little voice is the sweetest thing in the whole world. This week she followed me in saying all of the alphabet, she (usuallly) says thank you after you get her something she wants, she will say "Mommy, no!" if she is displeased, she says "Daddy, night night" when he is laying on the couch. I could go on and on. But the funniest thing happened yesterday... She needed a diaper change so I brought her in her room and changed her on the floor. After she was all clean she got up and ran off before I had a chance to fasten the new diaper. So, bare-bummed, she was running around shouting, "NOOO POOP! NOOO POOP!" She was very proud. I was cracking up.
Just had to share.
Now if we could only get her to use the potty ;)