Saturday, August 20, 2011

Potty Training and Animoools!

Yesterday, August 19th 2011, Khloe Elizabeth August went pee pee in her potty for the first time! Then she did again this morning! She is so proud of herself! Today we are going to try to put her on the potty every 20 minutes and see if we can get this done :)
Also, Khloe is just obsessed with "Baby Animooools." She calls them by the sound they make, not by their names. For instance, a bird is a "baby cacaa," a horse is a "baby yeehaaw" and a alligator is a "baby roar." It is so cute. Earlier this week we were at Grandma Char and Papa Randy's house and Khloe helped Grandma fill up the bird feeder. She kept saying "Baby cacaa numnums" (baby bird food) and "Baby cacaa, yayaaa" (Baby bird, where are you?)
Listening to her little voice and actually understanding what she is saying is the sweetest thing. We just love her more and more every day.