Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Baby Story

On September 14, 2009 I had a doctor appointment at 2:30pm.
This was the original due date that Dr. Retherford had given me. Everything was normal...they weighed me and I had gained a total of 40! :) My blood pressure was normal. I asked that the doc do a vaginal exam to get things going. I was not dilated or effaced at all. Then the doctor started feeling around and he was perplexed that the baby was still so high and had not dropped at all. He was concerned that maybe she had flipped around and was bum-down, so he decided to do an ultrasound to make sure she was still head-down. He checked, and yep, she was still in a good position, but then he started scrolling all around my belly. He was quiet and obviously concerned. I asked if everything was okay and he told me that he was seeing virtually NO fluid in there with baby. Apparently this can be very dangerous. He then told me to drive directly over to the hospital because the baby had to come out one way or another TODAY!
I was terrified! i did NOT want to be induced, but the thing I dreaded the most was a c-section! I went outside and called Ryan. I crying so hard I could barely speak. I told him to come up to the hospital immediately. That's all I could get out. Poor guy...he was so freaked out. Then I called Char and she said they would be right there. Then, after several attempts to reach Nancy I finally got her on the phone and she too, said she would head straight up to the hospital.

Brenda, the nurse working at the time, checked me in, got my in a hospital gown, attempted to calm me down, and hooked me up to three monitors: one to watch the baby's heart rate, one to watch the baby's movement, and one to watch my blood pressure every few minutes.

I was alone in the hospital room for 20 minutes, which seemed like hours. During that time Brenda explained to me my options: I could be induced, but with no fluid I would have what is called a dry birth. Nothing would protect the baby or the umbilical cord during contractions, which would cause the cord to kink and leave the baby without oxygen during each contraction. OR, I could have a c-section. The nurse was highly recommending c-section because she thought if I was induced, (since the baby was still so high and I was not at all dilated or effaced) I would probably experience hours and hours of very painful, very scary labor and then end up getting an emergency c-section anyway. GREAT! Finally, Ryan showed up. He was so worried...I could see it all over his face. But he kept telling me it was going to be okay and that he wasn't worried at all. He was so reassuring. Minutes later both sets of parents showed up and the nurses went over our options several more times. Everyone was highly encouraging the c-section, but allowing me to make my own decision. Dr. Retherford showed up around 6pm and ordered an AFI (Amniotic Fluid Index). They wheeled me down to a room where they did a 20 minute ultrasound. They looked at everything to make sure the baby was okay, but mostly they were looking for fluid. Hours later we go the results...the average pregnant woman has a 24...I was a 2.7. This was the lowest AFI my doctor had ever seen. While I was waiting for those results I had called my friend Amanda who is a labor and delivery nurse and who is a HUGE fan of natural labor. She said she had never seen a vaginal birth with an AFI lower than 4. I also called my friend Lauren who ins a naturalist, and she too said...get the c-section. When I got the results at 8:30pm, my decision was made. I was not going to risk my baby's life because I was so set on having a natural child birth. My doctor kept saying...healthy mom, healthy baby...that's all that matters. I was terrified and having the worst tremors. There was an endless stream of tears coming from my eyes and nothing could calm me down. How did this happen?!?! I had such an awesome pregnancy and it ends up like this?!?! I couldn't believe it! They scheduled the c-section for 1pm the next day, but due to my state and Dr. Retherford's desire to be right about my due date ;) he was able to squeeze us in at 10:30pm that night. Immediately they started prepping me for surgery. The IV was put in, they took my blood, I removed all my jewelry, they talked me through the operation, and in what seemed like a blink of an eye, I was on a gurney and Ryan and the nurse were wheeling me down to the operating room. Char prayed with me right as I left her side. The nurse, Geniveve, was being so sweet. In the elevator she asked us what the options were for the baby's name and she was great about calming us down. We entered a room where they needed to prep me some more. Dr. Retherford came in and told Ryan that he needed to put on scrubs. He told me he loved me and kissed me a million times, and then he disappeared and they rolled me into the operating room. (We think they purposefully do not let you say goodbye to each other, so you don't get worked up.) So, I was all alone and so frightened. Geniveve took my hands and told me not to listen to anyone around me. She started repeating the 8 baby names we had mentioned to her earlier. She remembered every single one. Awe, I love that nurse. She was so awesome. In a matter of 30 seconds, the spinal block was done and I was completely numb from my ribs down. Ryan was finally able to come in. I was calm as a cucumber. Apparently those drugs kind of go to your head. :)

We had the option to watch the procedure, but we chose not to. Ryan just kept stroking my head and telling me how much he loved me. He was amazing. The doctors struggled getting the baby's head out, but in about 5 minutes she was out. All they said was, "Here comes baby" and Ryan and I heard her cry for the very first time. We both started balling. Nothing in my whole life compared to that moment. That was OUR baby crying! Wow. We could barely see her while they got her wiped off and wrapped up. then Geniveve brought her over. Ryan held her next to my head and I kissed her all over. They took one photo of us, and then Ryan and the baby had to leave while I get stitched up.

I fell asleep during the 30 minutes it took for them to finish the operation. I then had to spend and hour in recovery before i could see my beautiful family. My parents came into recovery and were so sweet, telling me how proud of me they were.

Then, finally, they wheeled me up to my amazing husband and my beautiful new baby and finally, I was able to hold her in my arms for the first time. 6 lbs. 12 oz. 20.5 inches born at 10:39pm. Pure bliss. I am the luckiest person on earth.
The next morning Ryan asked me what name I was thinking. Out of our 8 choices, I said Khloe. He said that was the only name he thought fit her too!

So, about 12 hours after her birth, we named her Khloe Elizabeth August.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

One Day left ;)

We had a crazy morning this morning.
I hadn't felt Midge move since 5pm last night. So before bed I was kinda freaking out. Ry said she's fine. I woke a 3 times during the night and tried everything to get her to move a little. I drank ice cold orange juice, laid on my side, shoved her around a bit...nothing worked. So this morning I was getting REALLY concerned, but she usually moves right after breakfast, so I waited. Still nothing. I called the hospital and they made me feel so stupid. The lady said I should have come in hours ago! So I rushed in. I was so scared! Anyway, they did a stress test and all is well. I had three contractions while hooked up to the machine for 45 minutes. Pretty cool to watch that happen even when I cannot feel them. Anyway, from now on I am going in whenever I feel like something is wrong. That is the scariest feeling in the whole world.
Please say prayers that we will both be healthy at the end of all this.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

8 days left!

So, things are looking good.

I have gained a total of 38 pounds. That is so crazy to me! GEEZ!
So far I have not dilated and the baby's head is still way high, so please pray that she drops soon. I worry that I will be one of those women who is dilated, but the baby's head is still too high. Ugh, that would be awful.

Pretty sure I lost my mucus plug yesterday morning. Its a sign that things are progressing, but doesn't really give you any sort of timeline.

I am not incredibly uncomfortable, so I consider myself fortunate. If I end up being way late then things may change :). If you have seen me lately you probably have seen my belly too. I am pretty darn proud of the fact that I have no stretch marks and my belly button is still an inny. Lets hope things don't change in that regard.

We don't have a baby name just yet. Never thought we would be the parents who wait to meet their baby, but its lookin like that's who we are. Should have known...we are the most indecisive people ever!

The nursery is done!!!
I am a whale!
Check it out...

Monday, August 17, 2009

36.5 weeks

Okay, these last two weeks have been interesting.
I am getting more and more uncomfortable, which is a shame since I have had such a wonderful pregnancy. My feet are really bothering me! They hurt and are so swollen. Ugh.
I am so big now that sleeping is no longer fun and getting up to pee in the middle of the night is next to impossible, since I have pretty much NO stomach muscles left!
Last night was my first experience with Braxton Hicks since the first trimester (when I got dehydrated). I was freaking out. I haven't even packed my hospital bag yet and of course everything I want to bring to the hospital was dirty!!! So I started doing laundry at 11pm and Ryan just rubbed my belly til I fell asleep. I was in a panic for sure. I don't think I am ready just yet. The baby room needs one or two more nights of work on it before it is completely done, our house is thrashed, we still have one more birthing class, we have not pre-registered at the hospital, the car is almost out of gas, etc., etc. We are going to work hard today so if that happens again tonight, at least I will know that I am prepared!
K, lets step out of negative town :). The baby nursery is beautiful! My vision was nothing compared to how it actually how it turned out! I love it. Thanks to everyone who helped...especailly Grandpa Joe who did all the back-breaking labor! :)
Okay, I have a Dr. appointment at 9am, wish me luck!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

34 weeks BABY SHOWER

Sooo...I am 34 weeks today!

Midge weighs almost 5 pounds. Can you believe it? She is getting SO big! (And so am I) :)

We had a really good Dr. appointment on Monday. Two weeks ago (July 13th) I found out that I had gained 6 pounds in 2 weeks...YIKES. My blood pressure was also UP at that appointment (130/92). So, I was very relieved to find out on Monday that I have gained NO WEIGHT in the past two weeks and my blood pressure is down to 115/77. Also, due to my swelling I had them test me for preclampsia and that turned out negative. YEY! Good news all around!

I go in today for a final ultrasound. We want to make extra sure that Midge is a girl before we paint this room "Watermelon Smoothie" PINK!
On Saturday the 25th Granny Nancy was sweet enough to host my baby shower and it was beautiful! Becky and fam came down again for the big event as well as about 40 other close friends and family. We sure are blessed. Midge is one very, very lucky girl!

Ryan and I feel so loved. Thank you to everyone who was involved in the big day and for all of the precious gifts.
Much Love,

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

29 Weeks!

I am 29 weeks today. Only 2 1/2 months left. We cannot wait to meet our little angel.

So, my brother Jason, his wife Becky, and their kids Oliver (3) and Libby (18 months) stayed with us for a week. What a fun visit! Early morning breakfasts, tickling Libby's little thighs, Ryan and Oliver workin in the garage, playin ninja ball in the Augusts' backyard, and MANY family gatherings! We loved having them and building those memories.

Pregnancy Update:

I have been experiencing heart burn, shortness of breath and some crazy slepiness. Yuck! But I have to say, this pregnancy has been a breeze so far, so I feel incredibly blessed. Only 77 days til she is here, so I am trying to enjoy every minute.

Thanks for checking in on us. Smooches.

Monday, June 8, 2009

27 Week Update

(That is 6.5 months in Pregnancy Land)
The last couple of weeks have been really busy!

I played Wedding Planner at my friend Sheena's wedding. It was BEAUTIFUL! So Memorial Day weekend was spent doing hair, nails, rehersal dinner, and the big day! So much fun!

Last weekend we spent the majority of the time basquing in the sun. Casey took us out on his boat and it was so relaxing!

I have been catching up on Spring Cleaning during the week since the Spring is almost over and our house desperately needed it!

This weekend we Barbequed with friends and did yard work (I got scowls from the neighbors since I am now obviously pregnant and out there raking...people are funny.) We were attempting to get the house ready for our guests! My brother Jason, my sister-in-law Becky, and their two lil rugrats are coming to visit!!! We are so excited!

Other than that, baby is doing really well! I didn't feel her for a couple of days and got a little freaked out last week, but turns out I have just been way too active and I've been rocking her to sleep! After big glass of cold fruit juice, she woke up and has been wiggling around ever since. :)

She should be almost 2 pounds now. I have a 4D ultrasound scheduled for the 24th, but I'm not sure if I'm going to go. Ryan thinks we have been scanning her too much. He wants me to just let her be. I think I agree, but we'll see if my curiosity gets a hold of me.

Much love from the Midge.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Baby Doc Updates

Saw the doctor yesterday.
Everything is healthy with the baby and he says that I am doing incredibly well! I have gained 12 pounds and he said the average pregnant woman has usually gained 15-17 by this point in the pregnancy. That made me happy because I sure do feel like a tank! :) Blood pressure is excellent, uterus is growing at a good rate, and baby's heart beat is strong and loud.
He eased my mind about getting an intra-thecal rather than an epidural so it looks like I will be delivering at Sierra Nevada after all.
I am also starting to like Dr. Rutherford! He was being cool yesterday and he shared with me that he was a doctor for the airforce for a very long time (probably explains his colder demenor).
One bit of bad news...he firmly suggests that I DO NOT go on the free trip I won to the Dopminican Republic. He said it is just too long of a flight and the risk for getting blood clots in my legs is just too high! Dang. Oh well, my health and the baby's health is what is important!

A weekend in the CITY

Last weekend Grandma Nancy took me and Midge to San Fransisco with two of Nancy's girlfriends! We stayed in Union Square at the Hadlery Hotel and it was wonderful! The weather was amazing for the city...85 degrees all weekend! We saw "Wicked" at the Orpheum and OH MY GOSH...what an awesome show! Baby was super still throughout the whole performance...I think she was paying attention :) We went out to dinner at the restaurant in the Sir Francis Drake and it was delicious! I got the Ravioli...YUM!

The next day we got to see all the Mayhem from the Bay to Breakers in the morning and then shopped all afternoon. Nancy treated me to a ton of maternity clothes, which I desperately needed! Man, I lucked out with my in-laws! :)
After a quick trip to the Cheesecake Factory on top of Macy's, we headed home. What a perfect girls' weekend!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Weight Gain, Cravings, Baby, Comments, Emotions

  • Weight Gain: 11.5 pounds. Just weighed myself this morning. Seems asthough I am right on track with what my books call "normal." :)
  • Cravings: Kind of non-existent right now. Except for just wanting something sweet after dinner every night.
  • Baby: Moving more and more every day. I love it. I feel like I am getting to know her better every time she moves. (Or maybe I am just insane) :)
  • Comments: Some people have said, "Are you sure you're not having twins?" and some have said, "You're 23 can barely tell you are pregnant!" Haha...guess it depends on what I am wearing, how well you know me, and whether or not I have to pee. ;) Sarah saw me yesterday with a full bladder and then she saw me after I emptied it and she said it looked like I took 2 months off my pregnancy. Haha, apparently I have a rather large bladder.
  • Emotions: I am overreacting to things, but that is not too far-off from normal Sabrina behavior. Man, you should have seen me the other day...I was PISSED at the Long's checkout lady. hehe, hopefully she noticed I was pregnant.
~Crazy Sabrina

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Hello Everyone!

We had a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! On Saturday Nancy and I and a bunch of nancy's friends walked the 5K Race for the Cure at Cal Expo. We were joined by 25,000 of our closest friends :). Man, I was sore after 3+ miles. I need to work out more often. :)

Then I went to the lake on Saturday afternoon with Sarah, Ava, Kristi, and Evan. What a beautiful day!

On Sunday we went to Collene's (my sister in-law) mom's house for a Mother's Day BBQ Potluck. It was so much fun! The kids played in the pool, we ate tons of food, and we praised the mamas in our lives. It was my first Mother's Day. Crazy!

I am 23 weeks on Wednesday. Baby is about 1 1/2 pounds she is one ACTIVE baby! She moves around a LOT in the evenings, which I love. It makes me feel like she is healthy and getting her exercise! :) Awe, I love her so much already.

Much Love...

Thursday, April 30, 2009



CHARELSTON CHEW!!! I have no idea why, but this candy is now my favorite! My pickle/pepperocini cravings have totally subsided, but if you gave me one I wouldn't refuse it ;)
I am trying to eat tons of protein, but for some reason I hate meat right now and I just have to force it down.

Still addicted to milk. Lots of it, preferably organic. After dinner is my weak time. Thats when I want/ need something sweet. I was really good last night tho. I told Ryan to watch me because I don't want this weight-gaining to get out of control.

Weight Gain:

9 pounds. Today the scale actually says that I have only gained 6, but the last time at the doctor's on 4/20/09 I had gained 9. Some people have scared the living hell out of me about weight gain, but after gaining some insight from a dear friend I realize, whatever is meant to be will be. I am at peace with whatever my body decides to do :)

Also...what the heck? Why am I getting new grey hairs? I thought pregnancy was supposed to make your hair healthier/better. hmmm...I would like to file a complaint.

Thanks for checking in! Here is what I look like today:

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Our Sweet Baby Girl

I am 5 days further along than they originally thought. So, new due date is September 9th. She weighs 14 ounces (almost 1 pound) and is freakin adorable! Grandma Nancy, Papa Parker and Grandma Char were all in attendence for the ultrasound! None of then had ever seen an ultrasound before, so it was really cool to have them there and see their reactions. The appointment lasted about 30 minutes and it was amazing to be able to look at her for so long. We love this cutie pa-toot-ie so much already! Still, we call her "Midge," but no...that is not what we are naming her :). Thanks for checkin and mommy seem to be in great health! This is our last ultrasound, so the next time we see her will be when she makes her grand debut.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Baby's First Gifts

Grandma Nancy got the very first gift for our little baby munchkin. Everyone calls Ryan moose, so it is the little baby moose. :) Then, Papa Parker and Grandma Char got baby the first book! I read it to my belly every single day and I cry every time. :) Auntie Cari and Nick were so sweet and got baby the bib and the teddy-blanky. Cari stitched her name on the cute! Grandma Karen has LOTS of gifts that are currently in the mail, but for now...these are the few items that we have for our Midget Munchkin. Love them all.

This is a photo of my girls with our girls at Rosie's house (I am 19 weekes):

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tricky Little Thang :)

Sooo... Apparently this baby is going to keep us guessing right up til' the end.

First ultrasound done by family friend, 99% sure its a boy. Today's ultrasound done by Dr. Rutherford, pretty sure its a girl, but penis could be hiding behind the umbilical cord. Final word should be on Monday. Doc ordered a medical exam from the hospital so they can measure all the organs, the brain, etc...He said that they would be able to tell us FOR SURE, since they have the best equipment around.

So, there you have it. I have attached photos. The 1st one shows two legs and the privates in between. Your guess is as good as mine :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

What a fun weekend!

On Saturday Ryan's parent's hosted Easter one day early. Most of Ryan's family was there, and the local Parker's were in attendence aswell. It was so fun! They had an Easter Egg Hunt for Jacob (my nephew) and Erin (Ryan's neice). They were so cute and excited. We spent the rest of the day chillin, eating good food, listening to my dad play the harmonica, and playing a whole lot of card games. The next day Ry and I went to Church with the Parker gang and then booked it to the Penn Valley Park to spend a day in the sun! It was nice and so warm! We played baseball, lasoe golf, and had a great day with friends. Later Sunday night we went to Nancy and Joe's to meet Uncle Gary's new wife! cake! ;)

So, lots of firsts for baby this weekend. First time at church, first time playing baseball, and first time eating delicious wedding cake.

To all our family and friends far away..we missed you and were thinking about you all weekend.

Happy late Easter!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Active Baby

So, apparently our baby is constantly on the move! In the ultrasound on Saturday it looked like he was doing exercises! At one point he was standing straight up in there! It was so funny!

But last night while I was laying on the counch I totally felt him move for the first time!!! It felt like he did a flip. It was so cool. I feel much smaller, gentler movements today. Maybe he is sleeping :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

More Recent Photos

My Week 17, Collene's Week 23

Week 17


This is the first day we found out! On my way to the Carnival Cruise Ship.

Best Buds growing up...always thought we would be knocked up together! :)

Week 9

Week 11

Week 13

Cravings, Weight Gain, and Test Results

I am 17 weeks today.


Chocolate Milk!!! We have been going through a gallon of milk every 2 days! I am obsessed!!! My mom turned me on to the idea of chocolate milk to satisfy my sweet tooth and her mentioning that in passing has created a MONSTER! :)

Peppercinis! I have always loved anything saturated in vinegar, but this has been taken to a new extreme. I am actually quite ashamed of this habit because they are expensive lil suckers and I am trying to have a more basic diet...there is nothing more acidic than a jar full of peppers in your tum tum!

Weight Gain:

6 pounds as of today. At some point I am sure I will not be willing to share this info, but for now I'm cool with it. Baby needs those 6 pounds, right? :) That's what I keep telling myself.

Test Results:

Ever had a terrible experience with a doctor? I HAVE! It is actually quite hilarious when you think of it. My doctor tells me that I should be eating at least 3,000 calories a day! HA...maybe if I was Michael Phelps! He is nuts. I would be a freaking elephant if I ate 3,000 calories a day! Also, this crazy fella denied me the right to have the AFP screening. So last appointment while he was busy delivering a baby we got another doctor to order the tests (mwoo-ha-ha). Today we got the results back and everything is in the normal range!!! YEY! Healthy little baby monkey in my belly.

We have an ultrasound appointment scheduled for April 20th. I will be 19 weeks. Cannot wait to see lil "bamers" again!

Monday, March 16, 2009

New to Blogging


Thanks for checking out our blog. We thought it would be a good way to stay in touch with you...our family and friends. Change is a way of life and around here we have been experiencing quite a few changes! :) I don't have the best memory and I really want to remember this time of my life therefore, the blog was born!

My First Entry:

After being together for 10 years and being married for 1, I decided for some odd reason that birth control was poison and that I wasn't going to take it anymore! I guess I was fed up with missing a pill, then having to take two and feeling nauseous all day. And I had done all this research about women with heart problems and then read the label on my birth control and there were all these warnings about heart attacks. So, yeah, I decided to stop taking them on December 1st. On New Years Eve I took a pregnancy test since we were going out to party that night. There was a very faint blue line, but so faint that I questioned if there was any line at all (you would have too). BUT, for some reason I thought I would take a photo so I could show Ryan and my friends. I didn't think of it after that because I had been told that birth control takes MONTHS to get out of your system and in my mind, there was NO WAY I could be pregnant already! So the beat goes on...we went out to the Grey Goose that night and in Ryan and Sabrina fashion, partied til our hearts content. (Hind Sight is always 20-20)

Fast forward 5 days without even thinking about it and on January 5th Sarah, Alyssa and I were in L.A. about to board a cruise ship for a 5-day cruise to Mexico. I showed the girls the photo of the pregnancy test that morning and they were CERTAIN I was pregnant! So, to appease them, I bought two pregnancy tests at Target and took the first one in the Target bathroom. Sarah was peeking through the crack in the stall door. AND, YUP, in front of 3 strange women in the restroom in Target, I saw a very bright, obvious, horrifyingly beautiful pink line in the bubble that said "pregnant". Sarah started crying. I was shaking like a leaf. Alyssa was waiting for us eating a soft pretzel in the little food court area. She started crying. And when Alyssa cries, it is contagious! She has these huge brown, beautiful doe eyes and when they start welling up, I cry every time!

We debated if I should tell Ryan. So we called Lauren and told her. I was still not sure if telling my husband over the phone was the best decision, so I called Cari and told her. Cari is so soothing and happy. So right then I went from being scared and anxious to overjoyed! I called Ryan...I can't believe he answered the phone since he was at work...I barley got it out. He was so happy, so sweet, so loving. Perfect.

And there you have it. The beginning to this story.
Today I am 14 weeks. Baby August is due September 14th, a Monday.