Tuesday, September 1, 2009

8 days left!

So, things are looking good.

I have gained a total of 38 pounds. That is so crazy to me! GEEZ!
So far I have not dilated and the baby's head is still way high, so please pray that she drops soon. I worry that I will be one of those women who is dilated, but the baby's head is still too high. Ugh, that would be awful.

Pretty sure I lost my mucus plug yesterday morning. Its a sign that things are progressing, but doesn't really give you any sort of timeline.

I am not incredibly uncomfortable, so I consider myself fortunate. If I end up being way late then things may change :). If you have seen me lately you probably have seen my belly too. I am pretty darn proud of the fact that I have no stretch marks and my belly button is still an inny. Lets hope things don't change in that regard.

We don't have a baby name just yet. Never thought we would be the parents who wait to meet their baby, but its lookin like that's who we are. Should have known...we are the most indecisive people ever!

The nursery is done!!!
I am a whale!
Check it out...

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