Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Baby Story

On September 14, 2009 I had a doctor appointment at 2:30pm.
This was the original due date that Dr. Retherford had given me. Everything was normal...they weighed me and I had gained a total of 40! :) My blood pressure was normal. I asked that the doc do a vaginal exam to get things going. I was not dilated or effaced at all. Then the doctor started feeling around and he was perplexed that the baby was still so high and had not dropped at all. He was concerned that maybe she had flipped around and was bum-down, so he decided to do an ultrasound to make sure she was still head-down. He checked, and yep, she was still in a good position, but then he started scrolling all around my belly. He was quiet and obviously concerned. I asked if everything was okay and he told me that he was seeing virtually NO fluid in there with baby. Apparently this can be very dangerous. He then told me to drive directly over to the hospital because the baby had to come out one way or another TODAY!
I was terrified! i did NOT want to be induced, but the thing I dreaded the most was a c-section! I went outside and called Ryan. I crying so hard I could barely speak. I told him to come up to the hospital immediately. That's all I could get out. Poor guy...he was so freaked out. Then I called Char and she said they would be right there. Then, after several attempts to reach Nancy I finally got her on the phone and she too, said she would head straight up to the hospital.

Brenda, the nurse working at the time, checked me in, got my in a hospital gown, attempted to calm me down, and hooked me up to three monitors: one to watch the baby's heart rate, one to watch the baby's movement, and one to watch my blood pressure every few minutes.

I was alone in the hospital room for 20 minutes, which seemed like hours. During that time Brenda explained to me my options: I could be induced, but with no fluid I would have what is called a dry birth. Nothing would protect the baby or the umbilical cord during contractions, which would cause the cord to kink and leave the baby without oxygen during each contraction. OR, I could have a c-section. The nurse was highly recommending c-section because she thought if I was induced, (since the baby was still so high and I was not at all dilated or effaced) I would probably experience hours and hours of very painful, very scary labor and then end up getting an emergency c-section anyway. GREAT! Finally, Ryan showed up. He was so worried...I could see it all over his face. But he kept telling me it was going to be okay and that he wasn't worried at all. He was so reassuring. Minutes later both sets of parents showed up and the nurses went over our options several more times. Everyone was highly encouraging the c-section, but allowing me to make my own decision. Dr. Retherford showed up around 6pm and ordered an AFI (Amniotic Fluid Index). They wheeled me down to a room where they did a 20 minute ultrasound. They looked at everything to make sure the baby was okay, but mostly they were looking for fluid. Hours later we go the results...the average pregnant woman has a 24...I was a 2.7. This was the lowest AFI my doctor had ever seen. While I was waiting for those results I had called my friend Amanda who is a labor and delivery nurse and who is a HUGE fan of natural labor. She said she had never seen a vaginal birth with an AFI lower than 4. I also called my friend Lauren who ins a naturalist, and she too said...get the c-section. When I got the results at 8:30pm, my decision was made. I was not going to risk my baby's life because I was so set on having a natural child birth. My doctor kept saying...healthy mom, healthy baby...that's all that matters. I was terrified and having the worst tremors. There was an endless stream of tears coming from my eyes and nothing could calm me down. How did this happen?!?! I had such an awesome pregnancy and it ends up like this?!?! I couldn't believe it! They scheduled the c-section for 1pm the next day, but due to my state and Dr. Retherford's desire to be right about my due date ;) he was able to squeeze us in at 10:30pm that night. Immediately they started prepping me for surgery. The IV was put in, they took my blood, I removed all my jewelry, they talked me through the operation, and in what seemed like a blink of an eye, I was on a gurney and Ryan and the nurse were wheeling me down to the operating room. Char prayed with me right as I left her side. The nurse, Geniveve, was being so sweet. In the elevator she asked us what the options were for the baby's name and she was great about calming us down. We entered a room where they needed to prep me some more. Dr. Retherford came in and told Ryan that he needed to put on scrubs. He told me he loved me and kissed me a million times, and then he disappeared and they rolled me into the operating room. (We think they purposefully do not let you say goodbye to each other, so you don't get worked up.) So, I was all alone and so frightened. Geniveve took my hands and told me not to listen to anyone around me. She started repeating the 8 baby names we had mentioned to her earlier. She remembered every single one. Awe, I love that nurse. She was so awesome. In a matter of 30 seconds, the spinal block was done and I was completely numb from my ribs down. Ryan was finally able to come in. I was calm as a cucumber. Apparently those drugs kind of go to your head. :)

We had the option to watch the procedure, but we chose not to. Ryan just kept stroking my head and telling me how much he loved me. He was amazing. The doctors struggled getting the baby's head out, but in about 5 minutes she was out. All they said was, "Here comes baby" and Ryan and I heard her cry for the very first time. We both started balling. Nothing in my whole life compared to that moment. That was OUR baby crying! Wow. We could barely see her while they got her wiped off and wrapped up. then Geniveve brought her over. Ryan held her next to my head and I kissed her all over. They took one photo of us, and then Ryan and the baby had to leave while I get stitched up.

I fell asleep during the 30 minutes it took for them to finish the operation. I then had to spend and hour in recovery before i could see my beautiful family. My parents came into recovery and were so sweet, telling me how proud of me they were.

Then, finally, they wheeled me up to my amazing husband and my beautiful new baby and finally, I was able to hold her in my arms for the first time. 6 lbs. 12 oz. 20.5 inches born at 10:39pm. Pure bliss. I am the luckiest person on earth.
The next morning Ryan asked me what name I was thinking. Out of our 8 choices, I said Khloe. He said that was the only name he thought fit her too!

So, about 12 hours after her birth, we named her Khloe Elizabeth August.